About The Quoin

To solve a problem, you must deeply understand it. But the nature crisis is no ordinary problem. 

It’s the most complex problem humanity has ever faced. It’s simultaneously local and global, visible and invisible, practical and philosophical.

The only way to understand a problem of such complexity is to get in the weeds and learn by doing. 

The Quoin is a Wedgetail demonstration landscape. The property is 5,000 hectares, located in one of Australia’s 20 Biodiversity Hotspots, on the lands of the Palawa in Lutruwita/Tasmania.

The Quoin is where we’re learning…

  1. What it takes to conserve an ecosystem;

  2. What it takes to restore an ecosystem;

  3. What measuring and monitoring is needed, how technology can help, and the cost of all these components; 

  4. What nature-tech innovation is still needed;

  5. How to build and action property management plans around core threats (ferals, weeds and fire); 

  6. How to create a high-integrity biodiversity credit;

  7. About the regulatory and financial barriers stopping private landowners from conserving and restoring land;

  8. About the importance of bringing together stakeholders and rethreading knowledge systems; and

  9. How to combine conservation and commercial activities for the benefit of all species.

We call The Quoin a demonstration landscape because we intend to share our findings and experiment with ideas to help us all learn more quickly. The nature crisis won’t be solved by one organisation or one government. It will take all of us, working together, in the same direction, sharing our learnings and unlocking change at scale. 

If you’re interested in our learnings, please subscribe to our newsletter.

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The Quoin is a living laboratory, where the Wedgetail team develops and deploys technologies, products and practices to accelerate regeneration at scale. The Quoin Journal is where we share our learnings.


The Quoin is a private property in Lutruwita/Tasmania dedicated to reimagining regeneration.